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Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit our school website. St Helen’s is a happy, family-like environment where each child can flourish spiritually, socially, and academically. We recognise the gifts of each child and nurture them to achieve their full potential. Our strong focus, centred around Christ; living out the Gospel values and Catholic Social Teachings is at the heart of all that we do.

Learning at St Helen’s is fun, safe, and enriched every day; we fully promote learning at school and at home, recognising the important role of working in partnership with parents and the community. Celebrating the diversity of the community and our families makes St Helen’s a wonderful place where everybody can grow together.
Three generations of my family, including myself, attended St Helen’s as children and so I view my journey from child, to teacher, to senior leader and into my headship here as an incredible testament to the school. My vision is to have similarly high expectations for all our children too.

I hope that this website provides an insight into what life is like at St Helen’s. Please click to see St Helen's creative film.

With best wishes,​

Miss Claire Doherty

OLOG horizontal paragraph for OLOG Trust Schools v3

Word of the Week: Banned word - Think. alternative words - Assume Consider Muse Ponder Contemplate Reason Guess Conclude

Recent News

Visit from Timothy Campbell MBE
We were delighted that Tim was able to visit us in July. Tim is an ex pupil of the school and was in Miss Doherty's class back in the 1980s when they attended St Helen's. Tim was the first winner of T...
Goodbye Year 6
In July we said goodbye to our year 6 pupils. At their memories assembly, the children shared their favourite memories of their time at St Helen's. We are so proud of all of them and wish them well on...
First Holy Communion
This weekend, pupils from St Helen’s received the Sacrament of the Eucharist as they made their First Holy Communion. They children have been preparing for this special day, and we hope they had lovel...
Girls Football
Our girls football team represented West Ham at the Schools Premier League Finals. The girls played so well and had an amazing season this year, making it to the finals. We are so proud.
A.I.M High Writing Day
Some of the year 3 and 4 children took part in an AIM High Writing Day with the poet, Neal Zetter. They wrote about all sorts of crazy poems about colours, food and the world around us. Neal was very ...
Music Events
This month has been a very busy one for the Music Department. Our school choir performed at the St John Bosco camp fundraiser where they helped to raise over £5,000 for the camp that will happen in th...
Chess Champ
We are delighted to share the fantastic news about one of our pupils in year 5 - Maxwell. He represented Essex in the EPSCA (English Primary Schools Chess Association) National Finals held in Northamp...
National PE & Sports Week 2024
As part of our PE focus week, Miss Cascayan planned warm up mornings for us. Every morning throughout the week, we gathered on the playground and did a warm up session and same dancing too. Movement a...
Action Jackson - Ambassador for Happiness
Year 6 enjoyed participating in a workshop led by Action Jackson. In this workshop they learnt how to achieve their dreams and manage stress. The children enjoyed discovering the power of positive thi...
World Book Day 2024
On World Book Day, we wore our pyjamas to school and enjoyed listening to stories throughout the day.Click on this link for photos please.
Art Competition
This year St Helen's will be taking part in the RA young artists' summer competition. Students from the age of 4 could create an artwork with no specific theme. The students could choose any media and...
Battle of the Bards Workshop
The Drama Club have been working very hard during the Shakespeare focus week to devise their own performance pieces based on various Shakespeare plays, such as; Much Ado About Nothing and Macbeth.The ...
YES! (Youth Ensemble Scheme)
At the beginning of March, our String, Flute and Recorder ensembles had the pleasure of a recital from an innovative contemporary string quartet Modulus Quartet and composer Nicholas de Carlo present ...
London Youth Games Athletics Finals
On March 19th 2024, the St Helen’s Athletics Team took part in the London Youth Games Finals.Boys and girls from Year 3-6 competed against the best 11 schools from across London in a variety of track ...
Children’s visit to Clapton CFC
On Saturday 16th March some children from the KS2 football teams went to watch Clapton CFC Vs Hackney Wick with both teams chasing promotion in the Eastern Counties league.The entertaining game finish...
World's Largest Dance Convention
Elijah and Ava (and ex pupil Angel) performed at the world's largest dance convention called 'Move It' this weekend at the Excel centre. They performed for the dance wear brand named Shades. We are su...
Belonging Day
Part of our citizenship week, we had a belonging day where St Joachim's Y2 pupils came to visit St Helen's for the day. We did lots of fun activities such as blindfolded tag and blindfolded obstacle c...
Cycle Training
Earlier this term, some Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to increase their cycling skills. Children had varying levels of ability with some learning how to cycle safely on the local roads and others ...
International Women’s Day
To celebrate International Women’s Day, out school council made origami flowers for all of the female staff in school. The flowers had inspirational quotes written on them that the children had resear...
Our netball team had success at their competition by winning all of their matches! Another trophy for our cabinet.
London Youth Games - East London Finals
Our athletics team took part in the next round of the London Youth Games. This round was the East London finals, and we were competing for Newham against schools from across East London. We won the co...
Citizenship weeks
In January during our Citizenship focus weeks the pupils discussed about equality. They took part in a Charity fair organised at St' Joachim's where they had the opportunity to meet several charities ...
Peer Walking Session
Year 5 and Reception did a peer walk with our parents and carers to the local park. We enjoyed the fresh air and exercise and spent time walking and talking with our buddies. It was lots of fun and ev...
Holocaust Memorial Day 2024
The choir were asked to perform at the Holocaust Memorial Day Service, held this year at East Ham Town Hall. They chose a song that was up beat, talking about the next generation making the change to ...
Year 5&6- Basketball Event
Some of the year 5 & 6 pupils took part in a basketball event and also had the opportunity to watch a professional game between Phoenix and Portsmouth. It was so exiting to see and love match and meet...
On the 17th of January, St Helen's were crowned Newham Champions in the Borough finals for athletics. The Year 5 & 6 Athletics Team have bene training rigorously in preparation for this event and thei...
Young Voices 2024
On 16th January, the choir took part in the largest school choir in the world with Young Voices. The choir had been learning a range of songs from different eras and genres to perform in the huge conc...
Visiting our Neighbours
The School Council visits the Nuns in the convent as part of their Citizenship Week activities. The children wanted to visit the elderly and planned some activities for them. The School Council are al...
Signing Christmas Songs
Year 1 have been practising their sign language this week along with some festive Christmas songs. 
St Bonaventure's in the Community
Pupils from St Bonaventure's School, delivered food donations to the Food Bank in our Parish Centre today. On their way back, they popped in to sing carols and spread good cheer to our office staff. T...
Positive Noticing Day
Wednesday 16th November was Positive Noticing Day where we all made a special effort to notice and recognise something positive about the people around us. We encouraged pupils across the school to no...
Poppies & Poetry Workshops - Year 2
For remembrance day we took part in a poppies and poems workshop. We learnt about why we have Remembrance Day and what happened during the War. We pretended we were part of the army and we learnt a lo...
Festival of Voices 2023
Our year 5 pupils performed for our annual concert at Hackney Empire. This year's theme was Feeling Good, with the children performing in a massed choir, songs from a wide variety of genres and decade...
Author Visit
Banji Alexander, an author who has performed on BGT visited our school to share his book, ‘Lockdown Looms’. Banji taught us all about where he gets his inspiration for characters and said a lot of the...
Bishop Alan's Visit
On Wednesday 7th June, Bishop Alan visited our Parish for his Pastoral Visitation to Confirm some of the young people in our Parish. He visited St Helen's for a special assembly and enjoyed a tour of ...
Parish Football Tournament
On Saturday 3rd June, St Margaret's and St Antony's Parishes took part in a football tournament. Children from our Parishes made up several teams and enjoyed a day of matches. With great team spirit a...
First Holy Communion
Last weekend pupils from KS2 received the Sacrament of the Eucharist and made their First Holy Communion. We keep all of the children and their families in our prayers as they continue to build their ...
Art Gallery Visit
4B visited the Courtauld Gallery in the Somerset House to explore some of the world-renowned art paintings and sculptures ranging from the Renaissance through to the 20th century. The children learned...
The Brilliant Club
The theme for The Brilliant Club this year was Art of History. The children had 7 sessions with a PHD tutor in which they learnt and discussed different art periods and how paintings told different st...
TT Rockstar and Robots Day
We enjoyed dressing up as Rockstars or Robots for the day and having TT Rockstar battles as well as playing on Numbots. These games help us with our maths fluency and arithmetic skills. Click here to ...
Motivational Workshop
We had our annual visit from Action Jackson to deliver a workshop to year 6 for motivation. He helped to encourage the pupils to think positivity, work hard and believe in themselves so that they can ...
French Day 2023
French DayOn Friday 24th Feb we had our annual French Day. We had a French Market in the hall set up by the year 6 pupils. Everyone who visited the market had to speak in French and use 'Euros' to buy...
Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
The choirs from St Helen's and Britannia Village Primary Schools came together to sing at the service to those who had gathered to mark this very important day.
Gangs Prevention Workshop
As part of the citizenship weeks, year 5 and 6 children took part in a Gangs workshop on Tuesday 10th January. The children were spoken to by an ex gang member who explained to the children the danger...
Junior Citizens
On Tuesday 17th January, year 6 travelled to the Tate and Lyle Refinery to take part in Junior Citizens of Newham. The children took part in exercises and talks from a range of services including the ...
Chess Tournament
On Saturday 17th Dec, pupils from St Helen’s and St Joachim’s took part in a chess tournament to put to test all the skills they had learnt this term. Their concentration and tactical moves really sho...
Remembrance Day
We gathered for our whole school assembly to take time to remember. We have a 2 minutes silence and prayed for those who had died in the many wars. Our School Council and Head Boys & Girls, represente...
Bike Training and Road Safety
Some of the year 6 pupils have been taking part in cycling training this week. They passed their level 1 training and then started learning how to cycle safely on the roads. The children have had an a...
IQM - Flagship Status
Once again we have achieved Flagship Status for the Inclusion Quality Mark. Inclusion a St Helen's is a high priority and we are proud that our hard work has been recognised. We are grateful for the s...
Beat Boxing Workshops
The Beatbox Collective came to our school to support the learning in the music curriculum; children had the opportunity to enjoy a different genre of music.The year 5 and 6 children enjoyed workshops ...
Past Pupil News
Ex pupil Angel, who is in Year 8 at St Angela's, recently appeared on the BBC Show Dengineers. She had applied to the show as she wanted a place to be able to practise her dancing. Her successful appl...
New Climbing Frame
Thanks to the generous parental contributions and donations to FOSH, we are having our new clinging frame area installed. We have enjoyed watching the diggers and lorries arrive on site. We are exciti...
Steel Band Workshops
To launch the beginning of our Black History Focus Weeks, we invited the steel band musicians once again to help us explore music from the caribbean. EYFS and KS1 enjoyed learning how to play the diff...
School Council
The School Council joined a very important zoom meeting with the Gamechanger company. They had their very first meeting to plan something exciting. Watch this space!
Blessed Sacrament Procession
To mark the end of our Mission Weeks, the whole school took part in a procession of the Blessed Sacrament from our school to the Church. The Blessed Sacrament had been in school with us for 2 weeks. C...
Newham Book of Condolence
Our Chair of Governors, Sarah Alexander, went to the Old Town Hall in Stratford to sign the official Book of Condolence. The book will be sent to the Palace for the Royal Family to read. She wrote, 'o...
Mass of Thanksgiving
Our beginning of term Mass, was a Mass of thanksgiving to the late Queen Elizabeth II, remembering her life and service. We sang the National Anthem to honour our new King, Charles III. Our thoughts a...
Year 5 Imagine a Story
Year 5 attended the event 'Imagine a story' at Southbank centre. Six schools were asked to write a chapter of a story called 'Mayhem at the museum', which was then published with all the authors/child...
Festival of Voices 2022
It was great to be back at the Hackney Empire for our amazing concert. Year 5 pupils have worked hard all year preparing for this fabulous event. The theme this year was musicals through the ages. The...
First Holy Communion
Pupils from St Helen's School and St Margaret's Parish received the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time over the last 2 weekends. We keep all of these children in our prayers as they continu...
Arts Weeks 2022
For our Arts Weeks this year we looked at different emotions. We also looked at emotions from around the world that are not able to be directly translated into English. We used a range of arts to expr...
Family Fun Day
Family Fun Day. 
Jubilee Celebrations
To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we spent the week looking at the history of our Monarch and learning about each decade she has been on the throne for. We ended our week with a special Mass ...
Swimming at St Helen's
One of the biggest highlights if the summer term was having a pool in school. We had the pool on site for 5 weeks and this meant that everyone had swimming lessons. All pupils were able to build their...
Year 6 Residential 2022
We headed of to Shropshire on Monday 13th June. We stopped at the RAF museum to explore the planes and also went on the 4D experience.When we arrived at PGL, we unpacked and settled into our cabins. H...
Jamie Knight Freestyle Footballer
On June 9th, St Helen's welcomed Jamie Knight the Freestyle Footballer to the school! Jamie is one of the top 10 freestyle footballers in the world and has performed across the world including at Euro...
Music Show
With much excitement, the children attended our annual music show on 25th May 2022. They showcased their musical skills and talents with amazing performances to our wonderful audience full of our St H...
TT Rockstars and Robots Day!
On Friday 20th May St Helen's celebrated its second Times Table Rockstars and Numbots dress up day. Children dressed as Rockstars or Robots and enjoyed a day of head banging, air guitar competitions a...
Swimming Lessons
Nursery children enjoyed their first swimming lessons this week. They were enjoying using the floats to move around the pool and build up their confidence.Please click on the image below to see the ga...
Schools' London Church Tour mirrors Christ's Station of Cross
Schools' London Church Tour mirrors Christ's Station of Cross
Money Wise Challenge
A group of year 6 children competed in a Local Authority competition called DotDot Fire. This competition tested the children's knowledge and skills in maths and economy. St Helen's sent two teams; on...
Athletics Success
Following the great success of our athletics team coming second in the London Youth Games, our year 3&4 pupils also had success this week in coming joint first at their competition. We are very proud ...
Shakespeare Focus Weeks 2022
Our English focus for this term has been Shakespeare. We have retold the stories we have been learning through drama and role play as well as learning facts about Shakespeare. We have developed our ow...
World Book Day
Pupils celebrated World Book Day this year by relaxing and enjoying stories in their pyjamas. They joined online author events and listened to teacher reading their favourite stories. Children shared ...
French Day 2022
The children enjoyed another successful French day. They learned about Francophone countries, tasted French food in the market coordinated by Year 6 pupils and had French lessons taught by our expert ...
Hot Potato Sports Event
On Wednesday 23rd February our Year 2 team attended a Hot Potato sports event at Dersingham Primary School. 10 schools were involved in this competition with our team winning the event, showing hard w...
More Success for the Athletics Team!
Our athletics team have had more success today with the last round of the regional heats. With a winning score of 68 points, they are through to the final and will compete to be the London Youth Games...
Mini Vinnies Visitor
Katy Ramsey from the SVP Society visited our Mini Vinnies and conducted a reconciliation service with the children which centred around the themes of immigration and seeking asylum. The children wrote...
Year 3 & 4 Athletics
Our representatives from Year 3 & 4 took part in an athletics events which included a range of sports and activities. They had a successful session and were overall winners of the competition.
Citizenship Walk Around The Park
Promoting physical activity, well being and the natural environment the whole school enjoyed a walk around Hermit Road park to end the Citizenship focus. We welcomed many parents/carers who joined the...
Citizenship Debate
Children in KS2 took part in a school debate putting forward arguments for and against the motion 'Social Media has improved human communication'. Children were able to voice opinion and give reasons ...
Action Jackson - Motivational Speaker
Self proclaimed UK ambassador for happiness, Action Jackson, visited us last week to give KS2 a motivational assembly. He reminded us about the importance of being happy and surrounding ourselves with...
Holocaust Memorial Day 2022
Our School Choir attend the Newham Holocaust Memorial Day at the Old Town Hall in Stratford and performed the song – One DayThe theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is One Day.One Day – 27 January – ...
Year 6 Pupils introduce new playground buddy system to staff
3 pupils form year 6 presented their ideas to the staff at a staff meeting, on how we can make St Helen's even better. They have come up with the idea of having well-being buddies at break and lunchti...
Athletics Competition
Our athletes were successful once again in the second round of the competition. We are through to the third round and will be representing Newham at the East London Finals on he 7th February. Well don...
A poetry writing workshop
Excellent writers in years 5 and 6 attended a poetry writing workshop with the poet Neal Zetter. They were inspired to write their own personification poems. They learned that editing should take up 8...
Sir Michael Wilshaw
We have been fortunate enough to welcome Sir Michael Wilshaw to St Helen's over the last few months. He was previously the Chief Inspector of Schools in England and head of Ofsted from 2012 to 2016. M...
KS2 Athletics
After months of training and preparing, our athletics team were successful in the first round of the competition. We are looking forward to future successes in the next stages of the event and hoping ...
Choir's time at Rathbone Market
Choir's time at Rathbone Market.      
Christmas Lunch
Last week we enjoyed our delicious Christmas Lunch. We especially enjoyed the chocolate log made by our amazing chef Carol. Thank you to all of our kitchen team for the delicious lunches.
Christmas Card to the Parents form the Parish
Jolly Postman Reading
Ketchup on Your Reindeer
KS1 joined bestselling author-illustrator Nick Sharratt online and had fun with loads more silly seasonal combinations when they read Ketchup on Your Reindeer. The session was full of laughter and the...
Nativity Plays 2021
  KS1 Nativity Play Year 3 & 4 Nativity Play 2021
Character & Setting focus weeks
Teachers chose their favourite fairy tales to read to the children to end our Character and Setting focus weeks. We spent the afternoon enjoying reading with each other.  Some year 6 pupils visited ...
Science Quiz
On Friday 26th Nov, 2 teams entered the first round of the National Science Quizzes. Team 2 came 3rd with 1265 points and Team 1 came 5th with 1000 points. We are hoping they have enough points to get...
Sensory Circuits - Year 1 & 2
Sensory Circuits Group is a great way to use up the energy and self regulate! The children really enjoyed the egg and spoon matching game. Some children are becoming experts at that handstand pose on ...
Character & Setting Focus Weeks
During our focus weeks we looked at traditional fairy tales as well as alternative fairy tales. We enjoyed hearing the different versions of the stories as well as writing our own. Throughout our focu...
Different Cultures
We have been learning about different cultures and loved participating in the steel drums and Chinese workshops. We even got to have a go at playing the drums and moving the Chinese dragon ourselves! ...
Armistice Day – Thursday 11 November
Our School Council, Head Boys and Girls attended this is a special service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Central Park which is aimed at young people, with children from several Newham schools taki...
Service of Remembrance
All of the children from Pre-school to Year 6 gathered in our memorial garden to pay their respects on Remembrance Day to all of those who have lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars as w...
Remembrance Day
The school council and the head boys and girls attended a very special memorial service at East Ham’s Cenotaph in Central Park.We had our parish priest Father John lead the service; we were joined by ...
Odd Socks Day
Odd Socks Day! Monday 15th November 2021
The Newham Chinese Association Fortunes oral history
Children from KS2 enjoyed an afternoon at St Marks Community Centre celebrating the Newham Chinese Association Fortunes oral history closing ceremony. They experienced dragon dancing and music traditi...
National road safety week 15th to 21st November 2021
Road safety is a vital part of children's education and at this time of year with the dark mornings and evenings visibility is paramount to safety as we all notice pedestrians wearing dark clothing an...
Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE)
At the beginning of this half term the children read 3 CLPE texts to bring our school community together with a learning together, growing together focus. The children were engaged in high quality tal...
Hello Yellow - Young Minds
Hello Yellow - Young MindsWe all struggle with how we're feeling sometimes and it's normal to have ups and downs. This year might have felt a little more down than up. But it's the little things that ...
CAFOD & Harvest Assembly
Over the last few weeks we have been collecting food for our local food bank as well as saving our pennies to raise money for CAFOD. We are continuing to do ‘small things with a big heart’ in order to...
Year 3&4 Mixed football
Congratulations to the Year 3&4 Mixed football team who finished second in their recent event after going a six game unbeaten run to reach the final.​  
Roles and Responsibilities
We are pleased to announce, following the pupil campaign and staff vote we have elected our Head Boys & Girls, Deputy Head Boys & Girls, House Captains and Prefects.These children will have responsibi...
School Council 2021
We have had our School Council Campaigns in class over the last few weeks in years 3-5. Those who wanted to stand for election prepared speeches and posters for their class elections.We are please to ...
Hot Potato - Sporting Event
On Wednesday 15th September the year 2s took part in a hot potato competition. We entered two teams into the competition with the school finishing in 1st and 3rd place. Both teams gave it their all on...
International Evening 2021
On the 15th Sept 2021, we celebrated International Evening. This was the first time we have been able to come together as a community for some time and it was a great celebration for the beginning of ...
Mission Week 2021
We started our Mission Weeks with a whole school mass followed by a professional of the Blessed Sacrament back to school. The Blessed Sacrament will be remaining with us in school throughout our 2 wee...
Year 6 Camping 2021
Year 6 Camping 2021 - Day 1 The year 6 pupils from St Helen’s and St Joachim’s have arrived safely at their camp site. They have already begun their science lessons and other activities including - ha...
St Helen's Sports Day 2021
First Holy Communion 2021
The children from our school and Parish have been preparing to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist. On Friday 25th June, they made their First Confession after their class mass and on Saturday 26th Jun...
KS2 Sports Day 2021
St Helen's enjoyed their first sports days since 2019 and it was a great day! Congratulations to the St Martin De Porres - Red House, who won both the KS1 and KS2 days! A big thank you to the students...
Arts Week 2021
The children have worked very hard, learning about different cultures, being artists and also writing for a range of genres and audiences. Pre-school and Nursery children learnt Polish fairy-stories a...
Year 6- Memories assembly
The year 6 pupils put together a wonderful assembly to remember their time at St Helen's, sharing their happiest and funniest moments with us. They also shared a dance form their upcoming production a...
6Y Achieve a Blue Peter Badge
The children in year 6 wrote to Blue Peter to tell them about all the work they have been doing around climate change and caring for the environment.Blue Peter were so impressed, they awarded them a S...
Quad Kids
On Tuesday 22nd June, St. Helen’s was represented by the year 3 and years 5 & 6 quad kids teams in a borough competition. Each child took part in all of the four events; a vortex throw, standing long ...
Year 5 & 6 visit to Adventure Island - Southend
The pupils and staff in years 5 and 6 had such fun today in Southend. After all of their hard work and dealing with so much after the last year - this was a great treat for them all! They had fun on t...
Sensory Circuits Group
The children have been exploring their gross motor skills by engaging in activities that wake up and alert the body, organise and plan and then relax and calm. This helps to prepare the children to fo...
Last week, Mr Lewis from St Bonaventure's and Mrs Siaw & Ms McKenzie from St Angela's & visited all 7 of our fantastic Newham Deanery primary partner schools.Year 5 students at St Helen's found out al...
Year 6 Residential to Suffolk - Friday
Despite the rain we are still continuing with our activities. We are working as a team to get to the top of Jacobs Ladder as well as doing some target shooting! We have had the best week and wish we c...
Year 6 Residential - Thursday
Despite the rain today, we still managed to do our activities and have fun. We completed the sensory trail, with blindfolds on as well as more raft building. We have also been on the zip wire today to...
Year 6 Residential to Suffolk - Wednesday
Another fabulous fun packed day in Suffolk today. We have had a beach walk and paddle in the sea to cool down. We then enjoyed the fun of the giant swing. Some of the teachers got on the swing too, in...
Year 6 Residential Trip to Suffolk - Tuesday
On Tuesday morning we had lots of activities. We built rafts, completed the challenge course and went on the zip wire. We have enjoyed trying new things, working as a team and over coming any fears. ...
Year 6 Residential Trip to Suffolk-Monday
On Monday 14th June, year 6 set off on their journey to Suffolk. We went to Rendlesham Forest on the way for a picnic and some time to explore and play games. We arrived at Bawdsey Manor, unpacked our...
International Children's Day
Miss Miranda and the School Council organised a fun filled afternoon for everyone to celebrate International Children's Day. The children also raised money to buy some treats and to send to come child...
Annual May Procession
To finish the term and the end of the Month of May - we held our annual May Procession to honour Our Lady and crown the May Queen.A wonderful celebration of prayers and singing followed by Mass for th...
Summer 1’s Prayer Services
This half term, the children focussed on the role of Joseph and Mary in Jesus’ life.They learnt about Joseph the Worker and Mary our Mother reflecting upon their importance as parents and linked this ...
Shakespeare Focus weeks
Over the last few weeks in our English Lessons we have been studying Shakespeare. We have had workshops to re-tell the story and we have done lots of work in class around our focus text.
Brilliant Club
Some of the pupils in year 6 graduated last week from the Brilliant Club. They had worked hard over the last 2 terms researching and working in their assignments. The theme was - What is Fairness? The...
Street Tag 2021
After week 1 (10.05.21-18.05.21) St Helen's sit 5th in the Newham leader board with 50 people signed up and collecting tags which is a good start. We want more of our families to get out and about in ...
Year 6- Spring 2
Science Week:Pupil have been making crazy golf courses for science week. They drew diagrams, made circuits and measured and cut wood in order to make their designs. OrienteeringPupils have been devel...
TT rockstars dress up day
TT rockstars dress up day.  
St Helen's ROCKSTARS vs ROBOTS Fun Day
On Tuesday 30th March St Helen’s had a Rockstars vs Robots fun day to celebrate all children having access to TT Rockstars and Numbots. Which are excellent ways for children to improve their number fa...
Year2- TT Rockstars and Numbots
They did Maths activities and used the laptops to play TT Rockstars and Numbots.
Year 5- Castles & Palaces
In year 5 we have linked our Art topic of ‘Castles & Palaces’ with our Science week. We have used our innovative skills to design a castle with great defences ie drawbridge, moat, tall towers and a po...
Year 6 Back To School
Action Jackson Pupils completed a well-being workshop with Action Jackson. They discussed their feelings following lock down and developed strategies to support their happiness and well-being. P.E. T...
Pre-School Return to School
Pre-school has reopened and the children have been excited to return to us. They have missed their friends and the adults in Pre-school and have been ready to start their learning.Their return has bee...
A message from Action Jackson
A message from Action Jackson to help keep us focused and motivated.
Nursery Learning Jan 2021
Citizenship Week baking activity - Focus was on the importance of bees. Learning letter sounds, how to form letters and blend. Adorable Home Challenge - To recycle something old into something new w...
Year 1 Home Larning Jan 2021
For English we have been studying the book Max by Bob Graham. Max is a superhero who learns to fly saving a bird. The children had many English tasks linked to this text including writing a postcard a...
Year 6 Learning Jan 2021
On Monday 25th January, in celebration of Scotland's Burn's Night, pupils learned about the life and significance of Robert Burns. In an English comprehension zoom, they explored, discussed and wrote ...
Blessing our 'Home'
Fr John gave us some blessed chalk so that we can bless our school (which is like our home) with a traditional blessing for the new year.We have put 20+C+M+B+21 on the wall to the entrance to the scho...
Year 5- Hinduism
In year 5 we have been studying Hinduism. We all researched Hindu holy days and produced a slideshow​.
Year 5- Studying Forces
In Science this term we are studying Forces. We produced a fact file on Sir Isaac Newton .He discovered gravity after he watched an apple falling and questioned, “Why isn’t it going up or sideways?”.
Year 4-Citizenship Focus
For Citizenship focus children have been researching fossil fuels and the importance these have in our world today. They have been creating information booklets for ks1 pupils. In maths children have...
Year 6- The Epiphany
Year 6 pupils learned about the Epiphany on the 6th of January. Pupils in school shared knowledge over zoom by leading an assembly. Pupils at home and at school created jars of hope in celebration of ...
Year 6- French
Year 6 pupils are learning how to tell the time. Pupils created French clocks at home and at school.
Year 6- Citizenship
Year 6 pupils have created useful objects out of rubbish. In school, pupils created trees of hope and pen jars. At home, pupils created a variety of amazing inventions. Sarah (6B) created a particular...
Year5 -French
Pupils wore French clothes for French. Pupil gave their opinions on fruit and vegetables. Pupils used their fruit vocabulary to create French recipes. Pupils then made their French recipes at home. ...
Year 4- The digestive system
The class have been exploring the digestive system.
Year 3- Patterns
In Year 3 for our Art 'patterns' topic we have been learning how to create a motif. In History we have written a postcard to our parents to describe them a day during Stone Age.  
​Learning all about patterns. Making a birthday cake for my dad. ​ Looking after our Endangered Animals poster.  
Year -Bee Poster & Science
We made a persuasive posters telling people why its important to look after our bees This week we looked how we can change the shape of materials by stretching and preformed a little experiment find ...
Year 1- Beegu & Maths
This week 1B have been thinking about endangered animals, we have been researching why some animals are in danger and what we can do to help. We have been using the jamboard application to complete o...
Year 3- Creating Motifs
In 3Y this week we have practised creating motifs. A motif is a feature in artwork that unifies the drawing. We have also been learning about life in the Stone Age. The Stone Age is the first period o...
Year 1-Art
In art, we have had fun identifying different objects belonging to the three primary colours. As part of citizenship, we have been researching and making fact files on how to protect endangered animal...
Reception- Ice sculptures
Reception have been making ice sculptures.
Reception and Nursery Christmas plays
This year's Nativity was especially written for our Preschool & Nursery children at St Helen's to tell the very special story of 'Once upon a Christmas time, the Angels sang with joy to herald the com...
Christmas Plays
With 2020 being a year we have never known before, our Christmas nativities have taken on a form we have never tried before.The Christmas Nativity is a story from the Bible the children hold close in ...
Bond's Donation
Bond’s Builders and Contractors (the builders over the road to the school in Chargeable Lane) made a donation to the school to enable the children to have a lovely School Christmas Day. This was put t...
Christmas Lunch
The children and staff all enjoyed their Christmas lunch day with a traditional festive meal.The hall was decorated with Christmas decorations, the children enjoyed pulling crackers and sang along to ...
Making face masks
The Mini Vinnies made a range of face masks this week which have been donated to people locally who cannot afford or do not have access to face masks.  
Prayer Services
Finn Allen, a local chaplain at St Margaret’s visited St Helen’s over the last couple of weeks to prepare children for the season of advent. He worked with a reception year group this week to support ...
Black Cultural History
As part of Black - Cultural History focus weeks children across the school wrote and performed poems from their learning of iconic black people and those that are special to them.  
Advent Reconciliation
Years 4, 5 and 6 attended their Advent Reconciliation services led by Fr John Armitage.The children reflected upon the importance of saying sorry and being forgiven. It was good for the children to be...
Odd Socks Anti-Bullying Day 2020
On Friday 27th November pupils and staff across the whole school wore odd socks to make a stand against bullying. This week was part of the Anti Bullying focus week 'United Against Bullying.'  
The Character & Setting focus weeks
During the Character & Setting focus weeks we did lots marvellous & mischievous things. We made bus biscuits linked to the story 'The Naughty Bus' and Miss Burch read her favourite story the Gruffalo,...
Character Parade 2020​
We had a character parade to celebrate the end of our Character and Setting focus weeks. The children dressed up as their favourite book characters and prizes were awarded for the best costumes.    
Character and Setting Focus Weeks
During our Character and Setting Focus Weeks, the children have been reading stories about marvellous and mischievous characters such as Matilda and Dennis the Menace. Last week, they listened to thei...
Year 3 P.E. Gymnastic
In our P.E. lessons year 3 children have been learning and practicing a Gymnastic routine.
A visit from our Parish Priest
A visit from our Parish PriestIt is always wonderful when we get a visit from Monsignor John Armitage. This week he popped in to see us and decided to take part in our lunchtime exercise health and we...
French Astérix
French AstérixIn celebration of the Marvellous and Mischievous focus weeks, children learned about France's most famous marvellous character Astérix. They used dictionaries to translate an Astérix com...
Geography Assembly
Geography AssemblyYear 6 delivered a geography assembly about mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes. They shared information about the earth's structure and tectonic plates. They also discussed mountai...
Nets and 3D shapes
Pupils in year 6 were learning about nets and 3D shapes. They used nets to create their own 3D shapes.
Remembrance Day
The children made a poppy garden to celebrate Remembrance Day on the 11th November. The children also held 2 minute silences in class.
Mini Vinnies
The Mini Vinnies were able to listen to a presentation from Sam, the president of the local SVP Society at St Margaret’s he helped them to understand their important role in building a better world to...
Poppy Sales
The School Council are supporting the Royal British Legion and will be organising the selling of Poppies and other goods over the next few weeks to help raise money for the charity. This Sunday Rememb...
Food Bank Donations
The Mini Vinnies have packed up all of the donations from St Helen’s families for the Harvest Festival. The food has been delivered to the St Margaret’s food bank.Thank you to everyone for your contri...
Rain before rainbows
Year 4 & 6 took part in an author event with Smriti Halls as part of their Let's Think in English lessons this week. They listened to Smriti talk about her book Rain Before Rainbows, what inspires her...
World Mental Health Awareness Day
The children dressed in yellow and other brightly coloured clothes in recognition of World Mental Health Awareness Day. The school was brightened up with the positive message of keeping bright and men...
Harvest Assembly
Today we celebrated the Harvest Festival; displaying the donations of food and pennies that the children have collected and brought into school. The children learnt more about the work of Cafod in cou...
Science quiz winner photos
After intense preparation and training, the year 6 science team won the National Science Quiz championships for the first time in St Helen’s history.  
World Mental Health Day
Friday 9th October is World Mental Health Day. In order to celebrate this the children are asked to dress in Yellow or a bright colour to support #HelloYellow to brighten up the school.
Harvest Festival & CAFOD
The School Council and Mini Vinnies will be collecting food for our local food bank next week. We are asking for donations of dried foods or tins. This will help to support our local community.We will...
Here We Are
The children have had unique experiences of and responses to the events of 2020. As a school community, we completed this unit of work provided by CLPE to help the children re-connect with each other ...
Macmillan Cake Sale
As we are unable to have our annual Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan, the School Council decided to hold a cake sale instead. Children will be able to buy cakes from their class teacher on Frida...
Year 6 Roles and Responsibilities
Year 6 pupils have been given their roles as Prefects, House Captains and Head Boys and Girls. They will take on responsibilities and represent our school. We are all very proud of their achievements ...
School Council Elections
Last week in KS2 children prepared their campaigns to be on the School Council. Speeches were made in class and then votes were held. Each class from Year 3-5 have representatives. The School Council ...
Mission Week 2020 - We are God's Special Children
Once again, we are very excited to be celebrating our school mission with our focus weeks learning about how God made us all special. We welcome back the Blessed Sacrament which was processed from the...
Goodbye Video to Mrs Hicks
The children made a goodbye video to Mrs Hicks in the summer term as she retired as headteacher. Retiring during partial COVID-19 closures meant that Mrs Hicks didn't get to say goodbye to all of the ...
Action Jackson
Action Jackson, our motivational speaker, sent a message to the year 6s to wish them luck as they start their new journey. Stay happy, believe in yourself and dream big.      
Year 2 Bubble
Here is Ava doing the letter shape 'L' as a relaxation technique for the Well being focus. This is Ivanroe doing the letter 'K' as relaxation technique for the Well being focus. Year 2 home learning...
Year 1 Bubble
Children in year 1 have been developing their artistic skills by creating beach scenes.
This week reception had a prayer service with Father Andrew.We talked about how God is always with us, and we sang he's got the whole world in his hands, to show how God can care for us even in these ...
Year 3
During the last weeks, Year 3 worked very hard for the Art project 'people of the world'. We have explored different cultures, researching for patterns, landscapes and famous buildings that we could r...
Year 1
Year 1 have been making their own unique ID cards to show their likes and dislikes. They loved using blue ribbon to make lanyards so that their ID cards can be worn to make them look very professional...
Year 2
Year 2 have been learning about the seaside in Geography and have sorted human and physical features that you would find there. Please see some photos of work done for Science focus from children in ...
We learn't all about New Zealand. The people, their culture, we learn't some Maori words and acted out a traditional Maori story. During the nice hot weather we have been enjoying having fun in the ...
The year 6 bubbles
Year 6 have been extremely busy this week in their 4 bubbles. They have rehearsed their final dances for their end of year memories assembly. Meanwhile, they have continued to improve their basketball...
Prayer Services
We were so very lucky to have Fr Andrew visit us to lead prayer services with each bubble.We have missed our collective worship opportunities and it was excellent to share our prayers with Fr Andrew a...
Year 4/5 key worker bubbles
The Year 4/5 key worker bubbles have been completing art activities linked to their focus on indigenous cultures.
Arts Week Year 1
As part of Arts Week, year 1 have been creating ethnic fans using African and Asian fabric. Great to keep us cool in this weather!    
Reception Art Week
Reception ​children were learning about other countries for Arts week.We learnt about Ghana and made Jollof Rice.We learnt about India and made flatbread.
Year 6 Bubbles
Year 6 have been extremely busy in their 4 bubbles. They have kept their brains active with daily maths challenges. Meanwhile, they have been super creative for Arts Weeks. They have experimented with...
Year 2- Creating flowers
Year 2 have been creating flowers and making rosary beads remembering Mary the mother of Jesus.
Year 2 Geography home learning project
Children were being explorers discovering the world outside as part of the Geography home learning project.
Staff Photo Message
Here is a message from some of the Staff at St Helen's.  
Year 1- Home Learning
Children in year 1 have been learning about Pentecost this week. They have created some lovely posters to show symbols of the Holy Spirit such as flames, doves and the colour red. Year 1 have also bee...
Year 2-Home Learning
Some children have been baking lovely foods, for example, sausage rolls. Others have been cooking in a variety of other ways creating desserts like strawberries and ice cream - yummy.  
Reception-Home Learning
This week we have had a lot of fun in reception. We have started our baking focus with lots of lovely food being made at home!We have been finding objects listed in our scavenger hunts, using our obse...
Year 1 Bakery Slide
Baking / Cooking Focus Week
Year 4 Bakery Slide
Year 5 Baker Slide
Year 6 Bakery Slide
Year 6 Bakery Slide
Earth Day 2020
April 22nd marked Earth Day which was celebrated all around the world. We celebrated by drawing self portraits on recycled newspaper. The children read and chose First News articles about climate chan...
Learning at home for nursery children
The children in nursery have continued to learn at home with drawing and practising forming letters correctly. Some children have been planting seeds and watching them grow.  
Learning at home in reception
Children in reception have shared their pictures of a queen’s crown in lego and a decorated cross for Easter. They have also been practising subtraction.
Home learning in Year 2
Some children made Easter bonnets in year 2 and practised their colours in French with a beautiful rainbow.
Home learning in year 6
Over Easter the children in year 6 had opportunities to reflect on the stations of the cross. They have completed their own research about coasts and some have been able to work together on line.  
Home learning in Year 1
The first piece of work was a task where children had to design and create their own playground structure using materials they could find at home (DT). In the second piece of work, children had to cre...
The recital poetry competition
St Helen's pupils enjoyed reciting classic poems in front of their peers throughout the classic poetry focus weeks. Class winners recited poems at the recital poetry assembly. KS1 winners included: Em...
Mini Vinnies Festival
Four Newham deanery primary schools came together on the 11th of March for this years Mini Vinnies Festival. The children from each school were able to present on what being a Mini Vinnie means to the...
Action Jackson Workshop
On Friday 6th March Year Year participated in the ‘I am Amazing’ Action Jackson workshop. They learned how to think positive thoughts, manage their well-being and have a growth mindset. Action Jackson...
Geography Poetry Competition
The winners of the 'What the River Thames means to me' poetry competition received their prizes in assembly this week. They were able to communicate geography through poetry by identifying river featu...
World Book Day
Last Thursday, pupils celebrated World Book Day. Pupils came to school in their pyjamas and had some time during the day to relax and read their favourite books. In the afternoon, teachers read their ...
Year 1- Shakespeare Workshop
In English, year 1 have enjoyed learning A Midsummer Night’s Dream and took part in a Shakespeare workshop. They had great fun working as a team to act out the play!
WE Day 2020
On Wednesday 4th March 2020 the School Council we’re invited to attend the WE Day 2020 celebration at Wembley Arena.The children heard from inspirational speakers and celebrities about what they can d...
Class 4B Macbeth Workshop
Year 4 participated in a ‘Shakespeare 4 Kids’ workshop to introduce them to the story of Macbeth. The children learnt about the characters and plot through drama and discussion activities.
French Day
On Friday 14th February 2020, pupils celebrated French Day. Pupils came to school in French colours. The French Ambassadors helped set up the French market with French flag bunting and French signs. B...
Interests Fair
On Friday 7th February 2020 a variety of outside agencies & parents highlighted a range of interests/hobbies that children from Pre-School to Yr6 could become involved in outside of school. Children a...
The whole of KS2 took part in the school debate where they put forward arguments for and against the motions. Yr 3 & 4 'Money is more important than happiness’ & Year 5 & 6 'Academic subjects are more...
A danceathon was held by Yr2 to raise money for The Children's Society as their charitable event as part of the citizenship focus. Children were learning how to support a charity and to promote health...
Young Voices
Holocaust Memorial Day
Our Head Boys and Girls had the honour of reading a poem at the Holocaust Memorial Day at Stratford Town Hall. This year marks 75 years since the Holocaust and whilst remembering that event we also re...
Now Press Play
The children in year 4 utilised the Now Press Play resources to help them develop their understanding on useful strategies to cope with negative emotions. The resources supported this learning through...
Year 5- Writing workshop
Selected year 5 pupils participated in a writing workshop last Thursday. They worked on developing characters, writing and editing stories. The also took part in drama activities in order to support t...
Year 2- Handprint Theatre
They listened to the story of Ozzie who couldn't control his feelings. After they shared ideas of how to share feelings, Ozzie felt happy. They made feelings catchers and thought about different strat...
Deanery Carol Concert
On 12th December St Helen’s choir joined choirs from all of the Newham Catholic Schools at St Antony’s Church in Forest Gate. With readings and beautiful carols, sung by all the schools, the congregat...
The Parish Nativity Play
On Christmas Eve children from St Helen’s read the Christmas story for the parish. Children acted and a sang traditional carols before the parish mass.
Primary Robotics
A group of children from St Helen's have joined with children from the other Catholic primaries schools to investigate programming and robotics. It is great to see their focus and great co-operation i...

Upcoming Events

Reception 2025 Open Day & Tour
9th October
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1B Class Assembly
9th October
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World Mental Health & World Homeless Day
10th October
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