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French Day

On Friday 14th February 2020, pupils celebrated French Day. Pupils came to school in French colours. The French Ambassadors helped set up the French market with French flag bunting and French signs. Breakfast Club helped by chopping bread, croissants, cheese and brioche. Year 6 pupils worked in the French market for the day selling food and face painted French flags for pupils.

They supported younger pupils as they ordered French food in French at the market. Year 5 and pupils from St. Joachim's taught lessons together in EYFS and KS1. Meanwhile, EYFS and KS1 had extra French lessons on the day; they enjoyed familiar stories translated into French such as Ours brun, dis-moi (Brown Bear, Brown Bear) and La vielle dame qui avala une mouche (There was an old lady who swallowed a fly). In classes, pupils completed cross-curricular learning on francophone countries, notable French people and maths lessons.

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