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School Uniform

We have done our best to ensure that the cost of uniform at St Helen's is not overly burdensome on parents; we encourage that only our school jumpers should display our school logo.

School uniform jumpers and polo shirts are available through the school. Please ask at the school office.

The school jumper is the only item of uniform that is encouraged to have the school logo on it. A blue school jumper is part of our required uniform list.

Other required school uniform consists of the following:

Light blue polo shirt (these do not need to have the school's logo on)
Grey trousers/shorts or skirt
Smart black shoes (not trainers)
The above uniform list can be purchased as generic items available from most uniform retailers.

It is optional that in the summer, a blue and white checked dress can be worn.

Our PE kit consists of a plain white top and plain dark shorts / jogging bottoms with trainers or plimsolls; all of these items can be bought as generic PE kit from a range of retailers.

Children are expected not to wear jewellery in school for health and safety reasons. Watches and stud earrings are permitted (excluding smart watches) but are the responsibility of the wearer and ultimately of the parent/carer.

We encourage donations of any old/spare uniform that is in good condition. Second hand uniform will be distributed to families who need it at the school's discretion.


School Uniform Policy 2025-27