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Reception School Admissions - Reception 2021

As you are aware we have been unable to hold our usual meetings to explain the necessary paperwork and procedures for applying to St Helen's.

We will continue to support you in the application process to ensure that you are successful in your application. We have compiled a range of information and support resources to help you with your application.

Before submitting a primary school application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2020 edition of the local authorities ‘Starting Primary School’ guide.

Link to Starting Primary School

Please also find enclosed:

A covering letter (am class) to explain the processes
A covering letter (pm class) to explain the processes
Primary eAdmissions Booklet
St Helen's Admissions Power Point
St Helen's Day in the Life PowerPoint
Reception Life Video
School Video

We are happy to offer 1:1 sessions for parents who would like further information or advice.


Secondary School Admissions - Year 7 2021
As you are aware we have been unable to hold our usual meeting to explain the necessary paperwork and procedures for secondary transfer within Newham and to offer assistance if required.
We will continue to support you in the application process to ensure that you are successful in your application. We have compiled a range of information and support resources to help you with your application.

Before submitting a secondary school application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2020 edition of the local authorities ‘Starting Secondary School’ guide and find out information about the school you are interested in.
Link to Starting Secondary School

Please also find enclosed:

We are happy to offer 1:1 sessions for parents who would like further information or advice.

Normal Admissions (reception for September 2021 entry)

The staff, governing body and pupils of St Helen’s Catholic Primary School would welcome you applying for a place at our school. To do this you must follow the correct process for your child’s age as detailed below.

We are an academy school which means we are our own admission authority but to ensure continuity across the borough we follow the London Borough of Newham’s admissions processes.

All applications for this school must be made through London Borough of Newham’s Pupil Services, not this school.

Reception Admission for September 2021 entry
For all children born from 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 inclusive, their parents/carers will need to apply for a reception class place in an infant or primary school for September 2021 entry.

National closing date for on time reception applications 15 January 2021

National offer date for on time reception applicants 16 April 2021

All reception 2021 applications must be made through the family’s home local authority.

For children living in Newham, families must apply via London Borough of Newham.

For children living outside Newham, whose family wants them to attend this school their application must be made through their home borough naming this school as a preference on their application.

Remember, parents/carers must apply for a reception place in this school, even if the child:

  • Attends our nursery
  • Has a brother or sister attending this school.

Before submitting a reception application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2021 edition of the local authorities ‘Starting Primary School’ guide and find out information about the school you are interested in.

Starting primary school - autumn 2021

Information about the reception process for September 2021 entry

Newham Deanery Determined Arrangements for 2021/2022

Pan London eAdmissions portal – opens 1 September 2020 for September /2021 reception applications

Guidance on creating an eAdmissions account and applying

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
As part of our admission arrangements we require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if an applicant wants their child to be consider under our faith based criteria (priority groups). If an applicant does not complete and submit a SIF or does not want to be considered under our faith based criteria (priority groups) the child will be automatically added to the lowest priority group when we rank the applications.

A SIF is not an application form so cannot be considered unless an application is made.

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

Deadline for on time Supplementary Information Forms (SIFs) – 15 January 2021

Pan London Co-ordinated Scheme

School Finder
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.

In year admissions 2020/21 (Current academic year – also known as, mid-term or mid-phase admissions)

If a family arrives in Newham during the school year 2020/2021 and their child needs a school place they must complete an In Year form naming their preferred schools.

School places are usually offered within 10 days.

The place offered may not be at the school the family prefers as that school may not have a suitable place available.

In Year Admissions for 1 September 2020 to 16 July 2021 (Year Groups: reception to Year 6)

Before submitting an In Year school application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2020 edition of the local authorities ‘Starting Primary School’ guide and find out information about the process.

Determined Arrangements for September 2020 onwards entry

Newham Catholic Deanery Admissions Criteria 2020-21

In Year school application form (all year groups) for September/ 2020 to July 2021

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
As part of our admission arrangements we require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if an applicant wants their child to be consider under our faith based criteria (priority groups). If an applicant does not complete and submit a SIF or does not want to be considered under our faith based criteria (priority groups) the child will be automatically added to the lowest priority group when we rank the applications.

A SIF is not an application form so cannot be considered unless an application is made.

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

Link to Diocese of Brentwood guidance for the Certificate of Catholic Practice

School Finder
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.

Moving from primary to secondary school in September 2021

Information on the year 7 application process

Determined Arrangements for September 2021 entry

Link to Pan London eAdmissions portal – opens 1 September 2020 for September 2021 year 7 applications

Guidance on creating an eAdmissions account and applying

Pan London Co-ordinated Admissions

School Finder
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.


Useful websites for admissions

Nursery Admissions

Admissions to Pre-school


Fair Access

The law requires that each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol (FAP), agreed with the majority of schools in its area to ensure that for In Year admissions unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. In agreeing a protocol, the local authority must ensure that no school - including those with available places - is asked to take a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools, or who have challenging behaviour. St Helen’s Catholic Primary has signed up to the LB Newham’s Fair Access Protocol.

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