Arts Week 2021
The children have worked very hard, learning about different cultures, being artists and also writing for a range of genres and audiences.
Pre-school and Nursery children learnt Polish fairy-stories and learnt a dance for the carnival to Polish Music.
Reception children wrote their own interpretations of Mulan when studying China and created lots of art work.
Year 1 children wrote poems and shared a Lithuanian story. They also studied mola patterns from Ecuador and a dance from Ecuador for the carnival.
Year 2 children created a poster attracting people to visit the country of Italy and we learnt a traditional Italian folk dance called ‘The Tarantella’.
Year 3 children wrote a travel brochure about Senegal and rewrote a traditional Russian tale.
Year 4 children conducted independent research to learn about the culture of Portugal. They found out about food, clothing and dancing.
Year 5 children studied Brazil and the artist Romero Britto, they used bright colours and patterns in their work.
Year 6 children created Eritrean jewellery and painted Ugandan landscapes.
This year our annual Arts Week carnival was celebrated on Friday 25th June 2021. Please enjoy the photos and videos from our carnival.
Please click here to see the photo gallery of arts week 2021.