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St Helen's go to St Joachim's - Year 1 Solidarity

As part of both schools' citizenship focus, the KS1 children have been learning about the British Value ‘The Rule of Law’.
The children have linked this to the value of our schools - Living in Harmony.
They have discussed how we do this at St Helen’s and how we do this at St Joachim’s.

The Year 1 children wrote letters to each other explaining how we live this value in our schools.

They met on 14th January 2024. St Helen’s year 1 children spent the day at St Joachim’s working with the year 1 children there.
We made many new friends and worked with many teachers from both schools. We modelled and acted out how to live in harmony with activities such as helping hands, friendship paper chains, a kindness song, playing together and building bridges. We also enjoyed a story about living in harmony.
The children enjoyed working in a new school with new friends and living out the value they have learnt about in class.

Before the end of the day, the children exchanged letters.

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