Mental Health Support
Coronavirus Information
As part of ensuring that the school is as safe as possible we are regularly reviewing our risk assessments. We have undertaken the following additional risk assessments to ensure our children, families and staff are as safe as possible:
COVID-19 Support for Newham Families
At St Helen’s we are closely following the advice of the Department for Health and Social Care and Public Health England to ensure all children, families and staff are kept well informed of the latest guidance. The school has put all the measures in place as requested and is liaising with the Local Authority to ensure everyone remains healthy.
You can obtain the latest news at:
Mental health and wellbeing for children and adults
Money management and financial hardship
Top tips for managing your money
If your child is unwell or injured
COVID19 - Childrens Asthma Guidance
Department for Education – Letter to Parents
Coronavirus Symptoms:
A. What to do if your child displays Coronavirus symptoms:
- Book a test via NHS 111 online: (all children can be tested if they have symptoms, including children under 5) If you have difficulties booking or getting a test then please contact the school
- Keep your child (and any siblings) at home and await test results
- Inform the school office, via the school’s number: 020 7476 1785 or for out of hours email:
- Positive result – the child must isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms and all members of the household must isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
Negative result – Inform the school office of the result and the child may return to school once symptoms are gone (siblings may also return if they display no symptoms)
B. What to do if someone else in your household displays symptoms:
- Keep your children at home (even if they don’t display symptoms) and await test results for the household member
- Inform the school office, via the school’s number: 020 7476 1785 or for out of hours email:
- Positive result – the children must isolate for 10 days from the onset of the household member’s symptoms
Negative result – the child/ren may return to school once the symptoms are gone
C. What to do if your child’s bubble is closed:
- The school will inform you as soon as possible via text and email
- Keep your child at home (the school will inform you of the date of return)
- Siblings in other bubbles should come to school unless your child displays symptoms (see A)
- Your child should login to Google Classroom to begin their virtual home learning
- If your child has access issues to Google Classroom then please contact the school
Covid19 Absence Guidance Chart