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Values & Ethos

As a Catholic primary school, St Helen’s aims to promote Gospel values in our work together and learning. This is encompassed in our mission statement.

United by its Catholic faith, St. Helen's is a multicultural school, committed to developing the spiritual, academic and social potential of each child.


Our Purpose and Mission: What are we about and why we exist.

Key Elements in achieving this are:

  • Celebrating differences yet also the aspects that bind us together through whole school scheme of work
  • Promoting God's love for us all during all lessons and collective worship
  • Providing a happy nurturing environment with outstanding behaviour
  • A Holistic approach to assessing individual needs of each child with a challenging approach
  • Working within the community with families & parish – international evening, support groups, mass, reconciliation & prayer services
  • Local and international visits
  • Through positive role modelling encouraging children to reach their full potential academically, spiritually, emotionally & physically

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 Our Values:

What are our values? List   the key words


Tolerance and Peace Includes respect for differences and diversity, politeness and self-esteem
Forgiveness and Mercy Promoting a culture of accepting mistakes and building on them with the support of others.
Truth and Justice Promoting good behaviour and values which can be discussed in lessons and modelled in the daily life of school. Ensuring that children accept responsibility and lead a life of honesty.
Purity and Holiness Encouraging the children to lead their lives in the example of Christ.
Faithfulness and integrity Recognise that everyone has different strengths, and that these are gifts from God
Dignity and Compassion Learning and playing with others peacefully, cooperatively and inclusively.
Service and Sacrifice We serve each other – prefects, school council, monitors, class/school rules, after school clubs
We serve the community – charity work, choir
We serve God – mass (write bidding prayers), collective worship, altar servers


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Our Vision:

Together as a school community we will grow through:

Developing Resources

  • We want to see the potential of our existing resources of buildings, people, equipment and finance maximised for the benefit of the school and wider community so that they:
  • The lives of children both in and out of school are enriched
  • Meet the requirements of a stimulating learning environment and it is safe (fire safety, disability assess able etc.)
  • Staff are up to date with new curriculum, learning methods, key issues around safeguarding
  • Equipment are high quality, assessable, fit for purpose, reflect actual “life needs” i.e. up to date IT equipment’s
  • Finances meet all ESFA requirements and other statutory regulations. Also, budget allocations reflect needs.

 Living Values

  • We want to see our Catholic values owned, understood and lived out with integrity by all members of our growing community, so they are visible in behaviour and relationships. Policy and paperwork. We will:
  • Conduct ourselves professionally in all we do
  • Ensure the teaching of British and Gospel values are embedded within all subjects
  • Provide children with frequent opportunity to share and celebrate their faith through prayer services, collective worship, mass and assemblies
  • Build on positive relations with families within our community through coffee mornings, international, focus weeks, mission week etc.

Achievement Matters

  • We want to see all of our pupils thrive as successful learners through high quality teaching and a rich and supportive learning environment. We will:
  • Continue to develop staff skills so they are shared at every opportunity, e.g staff meetings, observations, workshops etc.
  • Have child specific achievable targets and regular progress monitoring
  • Differentiate lessons to target all learners and abilities
  • Outsource professionals to provide additional learning experiences; workshops, dance, focus week etc.
  • Run booster, support and Saturday school classes to nurture, support and challenge children across all ages and subjects
  • To plan creative and engaging lessons also to include outdoor learning
  • Include all children in a variety of sporting events celebrating teamwork and collaboration
  • Include ICT in subjects and expose children to modern technologies

 Enriching Communities

  • We want to promote community cohesion by creating rich and sustainable links across the community which promote harmonious understanding. We will:
  • Visit other places of worship while also continuing strong parish links
  • Continue partnership links with other diocesan schools and professional bodies
  • Celebrate pupil diversity through focus weeks and events i.e. international evening
  • Continue to visit other countries experiencing different culture first hand
  • Maximise parental, parish and community support through; coffee mornings, workshops and newsletters

Optimised Learning & Learners

  • We want to develop independent thinking children, all of whom achieve educationally and are emotionally equipped to make good life choices. We will:
  • Encourage an independent learning environment with children taking ownership
  • Develop children’s skills in solving problems in Maths and across other subjects
  • Encourage children to take risks and allow them to make mistakes
  • Explore interests, knowledge and expertise of children and their families
  • Provide opportunities for children to excel via differentiation, educational visits, clubs and More Able activities


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Our Strategy:

Whole school involvement

  • Being proud of and promoting our Catholic heritage
  • Supporting each other and through outstanding leadership
  • Inclusive education developing each child holistically
  • Encourage pupils and staff to have a firm understanding of British and Gospel Values so they can live a moral life independently
  • Continue outstanding teaching and learning through the use of resources
  • By referring to key issues to develop progression and attainment
  • Create a stimulating and enjoyable environment
  • Receive faith and guidance from God. Dedication and commitment from all
  • Work together as a team, supporting each other to provide the best opportunities for the school community


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